Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday musings

I keep thinking I'm getting old. My youngest is in high school. I have aches where I didn't used to. I think I forget stuff I should know. My parents are old.

I read a review of a book about the Wright brothers. Sometimes I forget that only just over 100 years ago was the first flight. And compare that with now.

But then I reap the benefits of getting old. I don't need a babysitter when I go somewhere. I was in the Coast Guard long enough to get a military pension, and I only work part time. If I'm really tired (and bedraggled looking), I can go to Hardee's and they think I'm old enough for the senior price on coffee. I can be one of those people that give driving directions by landmarks that aren't still there.

And Wednesday is a holiday - Veteran's Day.

And the husband gets to come home for a week - can't wait till June when he finally gets to retire and come home for good.

There's a bright side to everything.

1 comment:

  1. I'm feeling pretty much the same way, myself. It's a good job the aging process takes time - imagine the shock if it happened all in one day!
